Ghetto Youths Sound

Jeden z prvých slovenských sound systémov a vôbec prvý trenčiansky sound, ktorý vznikol ešte v roku 2002 – Ghetto Youths Sound.
Zakladateľom je Dj MeSs, ktorý sound systém vybudoval a začal organizovať prvé Reggae Parties vo svojom meste. Ľudia sa prostredníctvom nich tak zoznámili s karibskou a hlavne jamajskou hudobnou kultúrou. Organizoval prvé Sound Clash-e a tanečnú súťaž Dancehall Queen na území Slovenskej republiky. Legendárne parties pod názvom Welcome To Trenchtown alebo Higher Level. Založil prvý slovenský label Most High Records, ktorý sa špecializuje prevažne na publikovanie Mix CDs orientovaných na karibské hudobné žánre ako Reggae, Dancehall a Soca. Jeho sekundárnou náplňou je organizovanie najlepších Afro – Karibských parties a tanečných workshopov pod názvom DUTTY VYBZ BASHMENT. Dj MeSs je taktiež prvý česko – slovenský zberateľ *dubplate-ov (*dubplate = track, ktorý spevák naspieva s venovaním pre sound alebo selectora).
Prvotne prizval svojho dlhoročného priateľa Andyman-a (Andyman a.k.a. Zase), s ktorým dlhší čas tvorili základný kameň dnes už legendárneho reggae – dancehallového soundu. Jeho zameranie nie je len hudobné, ale aj umelecké – Zase je rovnako talentovaný street art umelec pôsobiaci v Anglickom meste Bristol.
Po nejakom čase sa k sound systému pripojil tretí člen Dj Simple Sample, ktorý rozšíril káder a začal sa aktívne zapájať do organizácie parties a eventov, pričom sa špecializuje hlavne na Reggae, Dancehall a Rootstep. Dnes je jeho hlavnou náplňou spoluorganizácia prvého reggae festivalu na Slovensku – Uprising Festival. Taktiež organizuje aj iné eventy, medzi ktoré patrí napríklad séria reggae parties pod názvom Reggae Callin’ a sprostredkúva booking interpretov pod hlavičkou agentúry Kulturise.
Najmladší člen Ghetto Youths Sound-u je dobre známy Dj Jay (známy tiež aj ako Dj Young Jay), ktorý sa osvedčil ako veľmi kvalitný a technicky zručný selektor. Ako každý člen sound-u aj Dj Jay pochádza zo slovenského mesta považovaného za hlavné mesto Reggae a Dancehallu – Trenchtown. Dj Jay reprezentuje svoju crew najmä svojimi vyšperkovanými mixtape-s, ktoré nemajú v našich končinách obdobu.
Piaty a zároveň posledný člen tejto crew je Pokyman (frontman a textár kapely Medial Banana), ktorý rozšíril jej rady v roku 2019 a uzatvoril tak doslova dokonalý kruh. Okrem toho, že je členom Ghetto Youths Sound-u a kapely Medial Banana pôsobí aj ako sólo interpret spolu s Lukie FWD a Dj Simple Sample, pričom vystupujú na festivaloch ako Sziget, Electric Castlem, Grape, Pohoda či Uprising. Mimo domácej pôdy reprezentoval svoje nadanie aj v krajinách ako Holandsko, Rumunsko, Poľsko, Slovinsko, Malta ale aj priamo na Jamajke, kde zároveň natočil sedem dielny dokument Inna Jamdown. Je to doslova multitalent!
Ghetto Youths Sound sa radí medzi najaktívnejšie sound systémy v strednej Európe a svojim progresívnym prístupom neustále udáva tempo, s ktorým je v našich končinách len veľmi ťažké držať krok. Nespočetné množstvo mixtape-ov, medzinárodných spoluprác, dubplate-ov, odohraných a zorganizovaných parties a eventov, účasť na najznámejších Reggae podujatiach a pozvania na zahraničné udalosti sú dôkazom toho, že práve tento sound je ten, ktorý v každom klube, v každom meste či na každom festivale spôsobí doslova ohnivú atmosféru.
“We Nah Falla Fesion / We A Set Di Trend.”

One of the first Slovak sound systems and the first sound of Trenčín ever, which was established as early as in 2002 – Ghetto Youths Sound.
Dj MeSs is the founder of the sound system and he started to organise the first Reggae Parties in his town. At the parties people had an opportunity to get to know the Caribbean and mainly Jamaican musical culture. He held the first Sound Clash and Dancehall Queen parties on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the legendary parties called Welcome To Trenchtown or Higher Level. He founded the first Slovak Label Most High Records that is specialised in mixtapes focused on Dancehall, Reggae and Soca. Organising the best Caribbean parties and the DUTTY VYBZ BASHMENT dance workshops is his secondary activity. DJ MeSs is also the first Czech and Slovak collector of *dubplates (*dubplate = a track that a singer records and it contains an inscription for a selector).
First he had invited his long-time fellow Andyman (Andyman a.k.a. Zase), with whom they were a long-time cornerstone of a legendary reggae – dancehall sound. He specialises not only in the field of music, but also in art (Again- a talented street art artist working in the City of Bristol in England).
After some period of time the third team member, Dj Simple Sample, joined the sound system. He extended the staff and started to actively organise parties and events. He specialises mainly in Reggae, Dancehall and Rootstep. Co-organisation of the Uprising Festival, the first reggae festival in Slovakia, is his main activity today. He also organises the other events that include a series of reggae parties called the Reggae Callin’ and provides the singer bookings under the Kulturise agency.
Dj Jay (also known as Dj Young Jay) is the fourth one, the last and the youngest member of the Ghetto Youths Sound, who has proved to be an excellent and technically skilled selector. As other members of the sound, Dj Jay also comes from a Slovak town that is considered a capital of reggae and dancehall – from the Trenchtown. Dj Jay represents his crew especially with his mixtapes that are unprecedented in our country.
The fifth and last member of this crew is Pokyman (frontman and lyricist of the band Medial Banana), who expanded its ranks in 2019 and thus literally closed a perfect circle. In addition to being a member of Ghetto Youths Sound and the band Medial Banana, he also works as a solo artist together with Lukie FWD and Dj Simple Sample, performing at festivals such as Sziget, Electric Castlem, Grape, Pohoda and Uprising. Outside of his homeland, he represented his talent in countries such as the Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Slovenia, Malta, but also directly in Jamaica, where he also shot the seven-part documentary Inna Jamdown. He is literally multi-talented!
The Ghetto Youths Sound belongs among the most active sound systems in the Central Europe. With its active approach it continuously sets the pace that is difficult to compete. Countless number of mixtapes, international cooperations, dubplates, played and organised parties and events, participations in the most famous reggae events as well as invitations for the international events prove that this is exactly the sound which can literally unlash the high-spirited atmosphere in each club, town or festival.
“We Nah Falla Fesion / We A Set Di Trend.”